338 841 0845 prassovini@libero.it

Contact us

If you need further information about our cellar tours, home deliveries of our wines, also those in bag in box or demijohn, give us a call or write to us.

Cellar Tour

Every Saturday from 11 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m. or on different days at different times if required

Book your visit to
Piero Prasso’s cellar

Enjoy an unforgettable experience tasting the best Astesan wines by Piero Prasso’s Winery, together with those who passionately produce them for 150 years.

To receive more information and book:

Open chat
Ciao 👋
sono Piero Prasso.
Se hai bisogno scrivimi pure qui.
Hi 👋
I’m Piero Prasso.
You can write me here if you need.